Sunday, February 14, 2010

Birthday Week for my little Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day! We're celebrating by... well, by not celebrating. We've never been very big into Valentine's Day, especially since our anniversary is a month later. I did get a text message though. Believe me, I'm not upset. Dash got a text message also since he's out of town for a tournament (which they won all their matches so far, even beating the reigning national champs!).

This week is Mason's birthday and birthday party. I can't believe he will no longer my baby but my toddler in just three days. His party is going to be fun and memorable and we're so excited so many of our family members are coming into town. Ball was one of Mason's first words and he loves them, so we 'rolled with it' and are throwing him a ball-themed party, with cake balls, a ball pit and lots of balls (dots) on the decorations. What a great way to celebrate our bouncey little boy.

Here's the invitation I designed for his first birthday party. I'm so proud of it. See some of you soon!


Nico's and Natalee's Proud Parents said...

WOO HOO! See you and Mas soon for the celebration! Love ya'll

Merideth said...

I can't wait to see party photos!!!

Christopher Bourell said...

Congrats, Mason, on the big 1.0! Have a ball at the party!
(N.B. re: ball-themed birthday parties -- I want one too. )

Ruthie said...

Adorable invite. West Dobbs must rock!

I cant believe I was in your hospital room a year ago - crazy! Happy Bday to Mason and parents...Wish I could be there to celebrate!

Ruth said...

The invite looks great! We really wish we could be there, but know that we are going to be celebrating his big day in spirit and in prayer. I bet we can even find some fireworks for Mason's big birthday! :-)