Wednesday, June 30, 2010

On the Home Front

On the way home from Austin sans Mason a couple weeks ago, I stopped off at a couple of antique warehouses that had been calling my name. I'd resisted the temptation because I always had a toddler in the backseat who surely would not get along with antiques. My heart and car gave in this trip though, and thank goodness, because I'm in love with my first antique finds.

I found this child's rocker (marked 50% off) for less than $20. It'll undergo a makeover when my project list gets shorter, but Mason is loving it. Paint and new fabric will work wonders on the 70s style blue vinyl look.

This nursery rhyme table and chairs set from the 50s or 60s was too precious to pass up. I found the third chair for two bucks and spray painted it to match.

 Maybe it's our historical home or our diverse neighborhood or the personality and character that abounds in Tyler, but I've found my tastes have evolved since our move to Tyler. And blogs like Young House Love and Knock-off Wood don't help my itch to redecorate and restyle my home.

Also, on the home front, God found us the perfect rent home and perfect situation with the owners. He continues to amaze us and bless us with His will for our family in Tyler.

First Haircut

It's was about time. I've been cautiously trimming around his ears and the back of his neck since his birthday for the fear that he would look bald after a haircut. So at 16 months, Mason visited Sports Clips (no kid haircut places in Tyler? what is with that?) and tried his first lollipop.



Handsome haircut. Handsome boy. One thing we didn't expect at our toddler's first haircut was getting asked, "So, what do you put in his hair?" Umm, seriously? Baby shampoo. And then we got the sales pitch on some product for his hair so we can fix it. Umm, no thanks. Though he may have inherited some of my family's OCD tendencies, my child will not be THAT high maintenance.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Back in my arms

I got my boy back all in one piece after five days away from his mama. He didn't miss me at all, I'm pretty sure. I'm happy that he was so entertained and had a blast with his Nanny, Papa (or "ca ca", sorry Dad) and Aunt Jessy (or "ki ki" as he calls her). He was glad to be back in my arms though as I was lovingly greeted by a half sob, half laugh when he saw me.

And now comes the task of unspoiling him. From the photos and videos on my camera, it looks like the fun never stopped.

And then there is this photo with a wagon that also made it home to our house. Funny thing, the wagon reads "This is a toy. Not intended to carry children." right under Mason's rear. Breaking rules and ruling the house came with the fun in Austin apparently. Now that he's back in the world where the word "no" exists, we might have a few tantrums in the near future. O, but it was all well worth it. For Mason. And for me.

Thank you Mom, Dad and Jess for taking such great care of our boy. It sure made it a lot easier on this mama knowing that he was in such good hands!

Sunday, June 6, 2010


This morning's harvest for our pasta dinner tonight:

(just one lone golden tomato so far)