Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Food, Fellowship, and Friends

We joined a small group of newlyweds through our church a couple of months ago and are really enjoying it. We meet every Tuesday evening and get to see our new friends on Sunday mornings in class as well. Our mentoring couple is wonderful. The Nevarrez's actually have a lot of connections to Dash. They worked with Student Venture at Katy Taylor in the 80s when they were newlyweds and know Dash's good friends, the Zielers. The group is perfect for us - full of Aggies (like Evan and Amy), had a Wii tournament awhile back, and some great sense of humors. Tonight we are heading over to the Ruiz's home, but next week we are hosting the group at our house. Eeek! Any recipe ideas for a group of 12 that can be cooked in an hour?


Ruth said...

That sounds so cool! We had a Tues. night group for 6 years, and it was such a special time.

And yes, I have a great recipe -- I'll email it to you!

Unknown said...

Seems like we are both in the same boat. We dodged having the fellowship at our house when we joined back in March. I think Corrie might of mentioned to you that we are in the process of buying a house, at least now we'll have somewhere to host things at.

In our group, all of the wives except for one our school teachers which allows Corrie to have some common ground. None of them have children, which is right up our alley, and only one of the husbands is still in college.

As far as the feeding of 12, most of the time the hosts have just gotten pizza or done grilling. We have found that chips and dip can go far. :)

Have an awesome week!

April said...

I'd make Dash barbecue while you make a really big salad. :)