Monday, July 23, 2007

Save the Date!

October 20, 2007 - 8am
JDRF Houston's Walk to Cure Diabetes
Reliant Park

Dash and I will start a team soon for all our friends and family to join and walk with us. Last year, we walked for the first time - joined by the Shae's family and Tommy, Ruth, and John. It was a great experience and we plan on continuing our new tradition. Reserachers say that the cure for juvenile (Type 1) diabetes is well within Dash's lifetime, so your support could make the difference!


Ruth said...

I'm afraid we'll have to miss it this year! :-)

Dash, Shae and Mason said...

What? You have other plans? Well, I guess since your plans have been 9 months in the works, we will not hold it against you! :)

April said...

When I saw the title "Save the Date!", I must admit I got all excited. :) Since the other Connells seem busy at the time, perhaps a little Roche-blooded clan can help fill in the gaps!