Saturday, November 21, 2009

Gig 'em Aggies!

Mason is all ready for game day! Maybe someday, his daddy will show him the very spot where Dash made his mark on Kyle Field!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Weigh in

Mason weighs in at 20 pounds 3 ounces (45%) and is 28 inches long (41%). Time for the new car seat. He got his first H1N1 shot like a champ and had his finger pricked to check his iron levels. Pretty easy visit to the doctor. We'll go back in a few weeks for the second H1N1 shot and then hopefully we don't have to see the doctor again until his big 0-1 birthday!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mason at 9 months

Mason turns 9 months old today. Here's a glimpse into our boy at 9 months...

· His favorite game is to take all things and throw them, only to chase it down and throw it again. All things round, square, alphabet-shaped, but especially remote controls and cell phones.

· He loves his doggies and scrunches up in squeals and giggles when he sees them do something funny or gets a doggie kiss.

· He's becoming a mama's boy but loves his daddy and is fascinated by all things that Dash does.

· He likes music (like his daddy). He drags his little music player around and beats on his drum, always stopping to listen to music on tv. And he thinks it's really funny when mama makes up songs to sing to him.

· He thinks he is too big to be spoon fed now so we have to mix it up with big boy food (finger foods) so we can occasionally get a spoonful in without protest.

· He loves to skype with his Nanny. Nothing else is going on in the world when his Nanny is on the computer screen.

· He never lays still on his changing table anymore, making nasty diapers that much more challenging. Daddy got called to Mama's rescue last night as Mason twisted his way into a handstand with his dirty bottom in midair and dirty diaper underneath. I see fun times ahead with this one. Advice?

· He loves to be outside and squeals as soon as we walk out the front door, especially when it's chilly.

· He has short legs, apparently. All his pants that fit his waist drag on the floor unless rolled up a couple of times.

· He takes two good naps a day with his lovie. And he's still a pacifier boy.

· He still only has his first two teeth that he got on his 8 month birthday, but they create the most precious grin.

· He has crazy long eyelashes according to everyone and their mom, which is usually followed by a "of course the boys always get the long eyelashes."

· He makes hilarious noises that can only be described as 'all boy.' From deep throat grunts from the backseat to loud and long screams that sound a little like the Aggie freshman wildcat yell.

· We love him more and more each day.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Look mama, no hands!

It all started last Thursday when we went to our first story time at the library. Mason got so excited by all the 'big' kids around him, he squealed and then stood up. I think I might have squealed too. He only stood for a second, but since then every day he has been standing for longer periods of time. It's usually so brief that I can't run and grab the camerain time, but today at the park I already had the camera out. There's nothing quite like Gerber baby puffs (or baby crack as some call it) to motivate him. Last count we made it to 10 seconds!
Fall is turning out to be beautiful in Tyler. The weather has been great this past week and it is supposed to staythis way for a while. Next Tuesday, Mason will be 9 months! Next week, we'll also be heading to the doctor for the first time since he turned 6 months old. I can't wait to see how heavy and long he is.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Getting down to business...

Well, it seems like it's been a long time coming, but I'm officially opened for business! Check out my new Etsy store - It's definitely a work in progress, but I'm enjoying it and I think I'm getting better. One of the perks of having a husband that works at a college is that I get to take classes for free, so I'm planning on taking some to learn more in the next few years - like photography and graphic design. Let me know what you think and if you have something you need! I have a few more designs I'm adding this week too. And then a few custom cards to get to!